The New Eves
The New Eves are a Brighton quartet who have been labeled as one of the country’s most spellbinding new bands. Expect a ritualistic mash-up of folksong, yelping punk and mesmeric drone.
The New Eves are a Brighton quartet who have been labeled as one of the country’s most spellbinding new bands. Expect a ritualistic mash-up of folksong, yelping punk and mesmeric drone.
With an unusual lineup of cello, violin, flute, guitar, bass and drums, The News Eves DIY nature and fierce spirit seem to be conjuring some kind of folkloric punk revival. With a poetic honesty about who they are and what they love at the core, their rhythms are like galloping horses and were they on a mountaintop, their voices would ring for miles. Going to a New Eves show is like being complicit in some kind of ritualistic opening. They tear up rock and roll at its roots, expressing a journey through seance, strings and electric guitar. They’re a work of art to witness and a sensational climax to be felt.