Ye Vagabonds is an Irish folk duo consisting of Dublin-based brothers Diarmuid and Brían Mac Gloinn. Having been described as “being at the fore of a new wave of Irish folk”, they have now won more RTE Radio 1 Folk Awards than any other artist, including Best Track and Best Group in 2022. After a chance meeting at Electric Picnic in September 2015, the brothers performed onstage with Glen Hansard, who invited them to open for him on his European tour the following October. Ye Vagabonds are signed River Lea/Rough Trade and in 2022 released their long-awaited third album Nine Waves. They have spent the past couple of years touring relentlessly in Ireland, across the UK and Europe, including (alongside their own headline touring) Special Guest slots opening for the likes of Phoebe Bridgers, boygenuius and Hozier.